they have distinct causes and can be differentiated by certain elements. It is important to note, however, that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough evaluation. Here are some general differences between the two:
Sacroiliac pain:
Location: Sacroiliac pain is usually located in the sacroiliac joint area, located at the base of the spine, where the sacrum bone meets the hip bone.
Characteristics: Pain may be described as a dull aching sensation, discomfort or stiffness in the sacral region or lower back.
Aggravating Factors: Sacroiliac pain may be exacerbated by movements such as walking, going up or down stairs, or going from a sitting to standing position.
Sciatic nerve pain:
Location: Sciatic nerve pain occurs along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lumbar region, through the buttocks and lower back, down the back of the leg.
Features: Sciatic nerve pain is often described as a shooting, burning, or electric pain. It can extend along the leg, sometimes up to the foot.
Aggravating Factors: Sciatic nerve pain may be exacerbated by movements such as forward bending, coughing, sneezing, or sitting in a prolonged position.

At osteopathy ndg Vincent Beaugrand-Champagne, which is part of the Montreal osteopathy network, physical clinical safety tests are applied in order to discern the type, form and extent of the discomfort. It is necessary to make connections between your back pain and your hip (sacroiliac) pain in order to develop an appropriate treatment plan.